Sonic Butterfly is based on the concept of transformation, like the butterfly, re-creating ourselves into the full expression of who we truly are with all of our beauty shining. These transformational experiences are more than performances, as they engage the audience, inviting them to be participants, allowing them to transcend limitation and inspiring their truth, their creativity, their authentic self to fly.
Sonic Butterfly is an incredible addition to festivals and events. In addition to performances, Sonic Butterfly Yoga takes you on a vibrational, rhythmic, physical, energetic and conscious journey of transformation, combining the unique teaching style of yoga teacher, Andrea Brook, with the exquisite music of Sonic Butterfly. The ascending overtones and healing harmonics of long string vibrations provide the perfect soundtrack for the yoga practice, as they transmute and sublimate one’s energy to promote physical/energetic health and creative inspiration.
Public Speaking / Body Language Coach
Public Speaking :
As a public speaker, Andrea loves sharing her message of releasing limiting beliefs and realizing your dreams. Please watch her speech at TEDx in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, about the Childhood Paradigm:
Andrea is a Body Language Expert and can support you to improve your public speaking for all occasions, from presentations to small groups to inspiring and motivating crowds of thousands. Our body language communicates to the audience more than half of the message. Andrea teaches how to use posture, breathing techniques, and exercises to prepare you to share your message exactly the way you intend. Andrea has supported politicians, CEOs and even couples to have their messages heard.

Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
Sonic Butterfly is a long-string harp designed by Andrea Brook and Javad Hashemi with 2 resonating chambers and butterfly wing shaped projection screens, “projection wings.” Sonic Butterfly has 2 full octaves of 26 strings spanning out, at minimum 60ft, over the audience, creating a full sensory experience.

Feed Your Soul Records has teamed up with Andrea Brook, international performing artist and yoga teacher, to bring consciousness to the dance floor.
Elevate is a divine mash-up of electronic dance music and spiritual, sensual, spoken vocals, that will move your body and spirit. Click “Music” above to listen to the whole album here, download it for $7 or please pay more if it feeds your soul.